We encourage our stakeholders to take personal responsibility for upholding the Group’s ethics, but we also have formal structures in place to assist with compliance.

While the Group’s Chief HR & Corporate Affairs Officer is responsible for ethics management, the Social & Ethics Committee is responsible for ethics governance. Ethics task teams also work with certified and registered ethics officers across our operating companies.

Summary of our social & ethics statement

The Group’s operations span diverse legal, socioeconomic and cultural contexts. This poses both opportunity and risk-based challenges to how we do business.

Globally, ICT is a catalyst for socioeconomic development. But the benefits of the rapid development of technology must be balanced with ethical and responsible application.

Wherever we operate, we adhere to sound ethical business conduct that generates economic value for our stakeholders and communities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way.

How we act on our social & ethics statement

• Maintaining a reputation of honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust and sound judgment

• Not tolerating any form of illegal or unethical conduct from any of our stakeholders

• Improving engagement with our stakeholders in a constructive, dialogue-driven and transparent manner

• Integrating globally accepted and locally required protocols, standards and guidelines that direct the ethical role of business in society

• Remaining informed about the rapidly developing benefits and risks of ICT innovation globally

• Ensuring that our governance, policy development, technical and business processes and system capabilities evolve accordingly

• Working with industry to bring the benefits of affordable and accessible ICT services to society

• Continually improving the quality of our services, products and operations


Further reading